About The Site

Blog In Tech is a personal blog dedicated to share news, reviews, and guides related to (mostly) technology. Blog in Tech is a sister site to Technoverse, containing translated articles from Bahasa to English. You can read our latest posts here.
Originally founded in 2010 with the name Terra Novae, the blog grew from personal blogging space to a semi-professional tech site hosting various original opinions, reviews, and guides to maximize how we use our gadgets and technology. Terra Novae used Google’s Blogger blogging platform.
In 2020, we decided that it was time to expand Terra Novae into something more flexible and powerful. The thought occurred because Blogger was quite limited and received little update from Google. Hence, we built Blog In Tech. Powered by WordPress, Blog In Tech is finally flexible enough for the webmaster to experiment and expand.
We welcome comments, suggestions, and critiques to improve not only the layout, but also the content of the website.
About Ads and Advertorials...

If you’re seeing ads in the site, they are served by Google AdSense. Our policy is to always serve appropriate, non-intrusive ads. Nobody likes intrusive ads, including us, and that’s exactly what we intend to avoid.
In addition to advertising, we might occasionally include affiliate links and advertorial posts we deem relevant to the article. If you purchase something from these links, we may gain a small amount of commission to help us support and maintain the site.
Though we serve ads and affiliate links, rest assured that the goal of the site will always remain the same: to share high-quality, latest guides, reviews, and opinions related to (mostly) technology.
Therefore, if you think this site has helped you find something new about tech, please allow us to show you ads by turning off your AdBlocker, and don’t hesitate to DM me on Twitter if you have suggestions regarding ad placements or other stuffs on this site that needs improving. Thank you for your continued support!