AoA Audio Extractor Guide

In Guides by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Today, I’m going to fulfill my promise about the guide for extracting audio out of your video using AoA Audio Extractor (see here for review). Different to other guides I’ve made, I’ll also put some actual shots of the window, to make things easier. Besides, I’ve been an ‘unemployed’ guy for these two months. It’ll be nice to do something to kill the time :p According to AoA’s website, this software supports the following video formats: AVI, MPEG, MPG, FLV (Flash Video), DAT, WMV, MOV, MP4, 3GP and can extract the audio into either MP3, WAV, or AC3 audio files.So, how do you use this program? Find out after the break!If the pictures below are too small for you to read, you can click it to enlarge the image. Here’s the first interface of the AoA Extractor. First thing’s first, you should add your video into the blank list. How to put that? Easy, just drag-and-drop your video, or use the “Add Files” button next to the list. They’re the same, so you can freely choose how you want to input your videos. The next step after you’ve inputted your files, you might want to tweak with the sound quality (such as …

Problem with Authorizing App in Safari

In Guides by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

I think I’ll have to apologize for breaking the promise about the guide for using AoA Audio Extractor. Yesterday, my friend came in and asked me to set up his new DOS laptop (installing Windows, setting up his Wi-Fi router, etc.). It had been planned before, and I thought I could complete the guide before he came in… but I was wrong. Don’t worry, the guide is almost done, just have to make a few adjustments here and there ;). To make up for that mistake, I guess I’ll post something which I’ve just found out a few minutes ago. Not everyone may find this post useful, but I’ll just post it. Maybe someday some of you can find it useful. Have you ever come across a Facebook App pop-up which asks for your authorization? Maybe a Facebook game, quiz, or something like that. Usually, the pop-up is *within* the same tab. But I’ve just found out today that some apps may also use a new pop-up window. This is, of course, troublesome for almost everyone, since almost every web browsers already have pop-up blocker feature active by default (say IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari). Fortunately this can be solved by …

Extracting Audio from Video

In Editorial, Guides by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Today, I’m going to post something which might help you all who tends to look for mp3 files and music. Have you guys ever felt kind of pissed… or annoyed when you can find the music video but not the mp3 to listen to from your iPods? If you have, then I guess we have something in common. You see, the other day, my little sister asked me to download a classical piano song for her practice. Well, I immediately hit Google and searched for the song by bluntly typing the long title. And then, yeah… not many people actually recorded their playing, but there are lots of talented pianists who gave learners/newbies video lessons. Most of their videos were uploaded to YouTube, so that students can see which fingers are used for which tuts and see how the song is actually played, rather than focusing on songbook and a metronome alone. So, I downloaded the video straight away… and you should know what I did next. The title should speak for itself, huh? Hehehehe. You can find out after the break. And so, I did a little Google search for an instruction about how I can rip the audio …

How to Restore A5 Device [Device]

In Guides by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Okay, as what some jailbreakers have known, restoring is one part that is completely inseparable with any iDevice. Of course, it’s needed for downgrading as well, and return the purity of your gadget (in case you want your warranty back). Prior to A5 release, jailbreakers have known to restore and downgrade using SHSH. You can save them by using small-but-useful tool like TinyUmbrella. However, with the A5 device, downgrading only using TinyUmbrella won’t work. Fortunately, the ChronicDev Team has come up with new plan: by using redsn0w. I have only tested this on my iPad2 Wi-Fi only; should work with other iPads out there. However, the Dev Team warns to look more insights if you want to unlock your iPhone4S. So, how does this work? Find out after the break. Oh, before that… here’s the list of things that you need: SHSH blobs from your current device (use redsn0w or TinyUmbrella to do this). IPSW files from the firmware you want to restore to, and the latest version signed by Apple. You can get the IPSWs here. The redsn0w interface Download redsn0w tool from here. As usual, extract the compressed folder in the easiest directory of your thought. Open the redsn0w.exe file …

Jailbreak 5.1.1 is LIVE! [GUIDE]

In Guides by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

If you guys have the new iPad, iPad2, or the iPhone4S stuck in the 5.1.1 firmware, and waiting for jailbreak, rejoice! The time has come! Yesterday, the ChronicDev Team members @pod2g, @pimskeks, and @planetbeing managed to release the Absinthe 2.0. This tool is your ‘magic wand’ to free your iDevices. This tool supports all iDevices except: iPad2 WiFi R2 (It’s a new model), AppleTV2, and AppleTV3. If you own these devices, I guess you’ll have to wait longer… You can download the tool here (Current version is 2.0.1). There’s all you need for jailbreaking, but if you’re on Windows and need a guide, after the break there’s a quick guide that I’ve already tried myself: Update your device (Skip this step if you’ve already on 5.1.1) or restore to unjailbroken version of 5.0.1 or lower. (Be sure to save your SHSH first before and after you upgrade, just in case). Here’s a quick guide to restore your iPad if you need it. Extract the .zip file you’ve downloaded. Running the .exe within will create a new directory in the current directory. I advise you to extract in on the desktop to make your life easier. Run the .exe inside the newly-created folder …

BlackBerry Troubleshooting

In Guides by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Look Familiar? Okay, so as what I had written in my first posts, I also own a BlackBerry device, which has gone insanely booming in this country. My model is the 9800 Torch. It’s not that outdated… but I kind of disappointed with RIM for cutting its life (read: software update) in less than one year (thank you OS7-equipped device!). I feel like an idiot buying the Torch after knowing that you could get a much better device for the same price a few months later! Ah, okay… enough complaining. Anyway, I’ve got some tips if you encounter some problems with BB. Although secure, these things could lag like hell (before OS7, I’ve never tried them) if you don’t treat them right. What are the tips? Find out after the break! A Few Things Done A Day Keeps Your BlackBerry Fit All Day Remember to clear out the messages. In case you don’t know, all your chats, group chats, notifications, Facebook, Twitter, etc is kept in your ‘Messages’ app, and of course it can hog your memory if you continue to gather them. Less memory means less speed… so try to keep some holes in your memory, ok? Clear out …

iPad2 n iPhone4S Jailbreak is Live! [GUIDE]

In Guides by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Okay, so I’ve bought an iPad2 a few months ago. It’s sleek, fast, and overall, I’m satisfied with it (although it’s kind of limited… ._.). I was just trying to experience an iPad, so I bought a mediocre choice: 32GB Wi-Fi Only. But that’s not the only reason… I’ve already got 3 3G devices. If I had bought another 3G device, my parents would slit my throat (not literally, though :p) It’s been a struggle for the dev teams to actually find out an exploit for a jailbreak. I still remember my first jailbreak, when it was @Comex who made it using It’s the easiest. Sadly, after the firmware 4.3.3, his exploit became useless. Worry not, since another hacker nicknamed pod2g, along with some friends who are popular in the jailbreaking field(