Aukey PA-T11 Review: One Station To Rule Them All

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Aukey PA-T11 official shot. Anda berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahannya di sini! Nowadays, we tend to have more than one gadgets. Most of us, I reckon, have at least one smartphone and one power bank (and probably a tablet). Imagine living in a house with more people, and that number rises. If each of us use a single adapter for each of our device, how many outlets do we need? Many. And I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to put extension terminal everywhere in your house, right? Enter the Aukey PA-T11, a multi-port USB charging station. It has enough USB port to charge 6 of your devices with a single outlet. Also, it supports Qualcomm’s QuickCharge 3.0 standard for those who think that the standard 2A charging is too slow. It looks simple and convenient. But is that all? Well, let’s find out in this Aukey PA-T11 review article. Shall we? Packaging and Design The box is already as heavy as it is. There’s not much to say about the box. You can flip open the front, revealing the charging station, along with some of its key features written. Aukey PA-T11’s key features are written here. The accessory itself …

Infinix XE-02 Noise-Cancelling Earphones Review: A Unique and Affordable Concept

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Infinix XE-02 Official Shot Anda berbicara Bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahannya di sini! As a software developer, earphones play an integral role in my job. It gives me enough entertainment to push past the requirements and deadlines. That’s why I’ve been looking for a great pair of earphones. Of course, they have to be affordable. I just can’t justify spending IDR 1,000,000 on a product of such category. You know I’ve reviewed Infinix Zero 4 Plus before and their included earphones are pretty good by my standards. That’s what pushed me to try out another product of theirs: Infinix XE-02 Noise-Cancelling Earphones. Costing only IDR 299,000 and offering battery-powered noise cancellation feature, do these earbuds deserve a place in your ear? Let’s find out. Packaging and Design Infinix XE-02 Box The XE-02 comes with quite a fancy packaging, like a phone. Slide out the box, and you’ll immediately notice the unique-shaped earbuds with the noise-cancelling box, a carrying pouch, and a couple of leaflets. Inside the pouch you’ll find a couple pair of bud replacements, allowing you to choose which is most comfortable for you. The pouch is great for storing the earphones and replacement buds when not in use. …

Infinix Zero 4 Plus Review – Camera Monster

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Infinix Zero 4 Plus Official Shot Anda berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahannya di sini!Infinix is probably a brand most of you never heard before, but here in Indonesia, the brand has gained quite a traction, especially in the official market (that’s the term for “legal” phones, which have passed certain regulations and have a more dependable warranty), in which Xiaomi still has limited presence. FYI, Infinix is also present in Africa, the Middle East, and some Asian countries. Enter the Infinix Zero 4 Plus. Positioned as a flagship for the brand, it houses some key specs such as Mediatek’s Deca-Core Helio X20, 20.7MP Camera with OIS, and a large, Full-HD 6″ screen. Its big screen may be cumbersome for some, but this means that this smartphone should be perfect for gaming and multimedia consumption. With a competitive price of Rp3,799,000.00 (~U$285), is it a worthy phablet to have?Let’s find out. Design and Packaging The box is reminds me of the original Galaxy S box I got 7 years ago. It’s black, and minimalistic. No picture of the phone whatsoever in the box, though. What’s inside the box Open the box, and you’ll immediately see the monstrous phablet. Below it …

Huawei E5577C Mi-Fi Review: Compatibility over Battery

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Huawei E5577C Official Shot Anda berbicara Bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahannya di sini! Well, it’s been a while since my last article. I scored myself a new job (yay!), and I had to focus my attention on it, leaving no time to attain to my own blog(s), let alone write a new article. But yeah, I finally got both time and idea to come up with a new article. Anyway, enough with the excuses. Meet Huawei E5577C. I wanted to switch from the M3Z because of multi-carrier compatibility and that little square screen. I still had that device, though stored in the drawer because I’ve been using the Huawei more. So, let’s just get to the point: with a much more expensive cost compared to Smartfren’s (almost twice), does the Huawei Mi-Fi stack up with its compatibility and screen? Let’s find out after the break!BEFORE YOU BUY:I bought this Mi-Fi bundled with XL Axiata’s XL GO. Normally, it should be locked. However, I bought it from a third-party store and claimed that this device is already unlocked. If you’re aiming for multi-carrier compatibility, you should consult it with the seller before you buy. Design and Packaging A little beat up, …

Steelseries Rival 500 Review: Buttons, Buttons, Buttons!

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Anda berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahannya di sini! This may not sound right, but I used to think that pro gaming peripherals are nothing more than glorified your-everyday-mice-and-keyboard. Actually, scratch that. I used to think that they are overpriced and doesn’t really give an advantage over your usual peripherals, aside from prestige and cool appearance. However, I saw my friend use a gaming peripheral by Logitech and he seems to really like it. Just listening to his experience was enough to entice me to try one. Steelseries Rival 500 Official Shot Meet the Steelseries Rival 500, a professional gaming-grade mouse from Steelseries with best-in-class sensor and whopping 15 buttons. The first thing that I had in mind when learning about this mouse was “This thing has 15 buttons?” I thought it was overkill, but when I learned that each button can be programmed individually, I changed my mind to “maybe I could be more productive with this mouse”. Okay, so let’s see if this mouse is worth its whopping Rp950.000,00 (~U$71) price. It’s still one of the cheapest, though. Razer’s mouse with the same number of buttons costs more than Rp1.000.000,00 here. No offense, but I’m still sane enough …

Wellcomm Touch1 Review: Wireless Charging for Cheap

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Anda berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahannya di sini! Wireless technology is the future, whether you like it or not… or at least, things are getting smaller and use less cord. Look at Apple’s retina MacBook for example, they only have 1 (yes, ONE) USB-C port, and instead of apologizing for being so stingy, they encourage their users to go wireless. The new MacBook Pros, another example, only have USB-C ports. To make up for it, they will sell you dongles at a discount. LG G3 Wireless Charger Okay, excuse my sarcasm, and let’s get back to wireless technology. Wireless chargers have been around for quite a while, probably since LG G3 (which is 3 years ago, if I’m not mistaken). It has become cheaper and cheaper since, with the latest culmination of the technology is Samsung’s Wireless Fast Charger, which is compatible with their latest flagships. Though I initially wasn’t interested in the technology, I saw my friend buy one, and it seemed convenient. So yeah, I thought of borrowing it and using it for a short while. You know, just to get the feel of it. And yes, thanks to his generosity, I’ve finally had the chance to …

Smartfren M3Z Review: Bigger and Better

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Official Shot of Andromax M3Y and M3Z Anda berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahan di sini! In my personal opinion and based on my experience, Smartfren is probably one of the better data-oriented telco in Indonesia. In terms of data speed, it might not be the fastest. However, in terms of coverage, I must say that Smartfren might outrun others. However, today we’re not talking about the telco operator. We’re talking about one of their next-gen Mi-Fi products. Yeah, I actually promised a reader here that I would review it, but life came up and I couldn’t finish the review… until now. Anyway, the model in question is the Smartfren Andromax M3Z. This router is not only bigger, but also better, in terms of both looks and functionality. With a more controlled and affordable price of Rp299,000.00, you can bring this baby back home, as well as 30GB of data for a month. Generous, right? So, what are you waiting for? Head past the break to read the rest of the review! Design and Packaging: Faux Leather Looks Good Andromax M3Z Box The box is very similar to Smartfren’s other products: dominated by red, with the product picture featured on …

Andromax A Quick Review: The Essentials

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Andromax A Official Shot Anda berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahannya di sini! Smartfren Andromax is widely known in Indonesia as the only brand which is outed by a telco operator, with the possibility of its price being subsidized. Smartfren Andromax A is the most affordable of the bunch. With the asking price of merely Rp650,000.00 (~U$50), it already supports LTE and VoLTE. Good news is, I have some time to tamper with this little fella. The bad news is, my time is limited since this phone is needed in my office. With this quick review, I’m going to share a little bit of my experience with the newest, (probably) the most affordable LTE handset in Indonesia. Quick review means this review may not be as comprehensive as my other reviews. Some things that could be cut are the number of camera samples and battery life.So, what are you waiting for? Head past the break to find out more about Smartfren Andromax A! Design and Packaging: Surprisingly Complete Andromax A In A Box My first impression of the box is that it doesn’t look cheap at all. In fact, this expectation is fulfilled when you open up the box. Inside, …

Charger Doctor Review: Measure Your Charger Quickly and Easily

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Charger Doctor Official Shot Anda berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahan di sini.Our mobile technology has come a very long way. We used to only be able to call and text through cell phones but look at us now: checking our emails, editing office documents, using applications to book restaurant reservations, hotel rooms, or even calling a cab! Our cell phones (dubbed smartphones now) are starting to replace our PCs… or it may already have.However, those features come at a cost: battery life. Our feature phones of old have the power to last for days, but now? Lasting a full day is already considered as an achievement. Unfortunately, our battery technology isn’t that advanced yet, so the engineers apparently decide to tweak with the technology behind the charging process: fast charging. That’s why our chargers are an important part of our lives now.The question is, how do we know if our charger is being honest with its specs? Normally, we’ll need some big-ass measuring device called avometer (in Indonesian, it’s called that, at least…) but I’ve found a small, convenient device that could measure currents. Though limited, it’s practically quite useful. Meet the Charger Doctor.How can I use this? Well… …

Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 (Late) Review: A Surprising Package

In Hardware Review, Review by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

We all know that smartphones have become a necessity. Maybe back in 2010, smartphones are luxurious gadgets only lucky people can afford. However, as time flies and smartphone markets become more and more mature, the cost of smartphone decreases. Now, almost all people can afford a smartphone (there’s even a ridiculously cheap smartphone in India. Google it.). Redmi Note 2 Official Shots Anyway, the proof of smartphone market maturity is evident from how powerful current mid-rangers are. Low-end smartphones also have become more powerful, with minimum of 1GB RAM and dual-core processor. I’m not going to talk about that. I’m going to talk about one prime example of how mid-rangers should be. Slick, powerful, gorgeous, and of course… affordable, but not cheap. That example is the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2. Features in a nutshell Alright, I’m getting more and more subjective here. But really, guys, all subjective things I’ve said aside, I’m really impressed at what Xiaomi is offering here. In just Rp1.700.000,00, you can have a 13MP camera, 5.5″ FHD screen, octa-core processor, and 2GB RAM. Specs wise, it’s really unbelievable. However, does it really meet your expectation? Let’s find out. As usual, this review is going to be …