Opinion: Mid-Rangers or Ex-Flagships?

In Editorial by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

So many phones to choose, so limited my budget. Anda berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Baca artikel terjemahannya di sini.Another month, another opinion-based article. In this opportunity, I want to talk about whether you should buy ex-flagships (aka the former kings) or the new mid-rangers when you have limited budget. Honestly, it’s not easy to choose one unless you really know what you really want and what you’re going to buy. Normally, sellers will offer you newer goods, but old stuffs don’t always mean outdated and obsolete, right? I’m going to divide this article to 2 sections: Ex-Flagships and Mid-Rangers. In each side I will point out its related pros and cons. Hopefully, you will find them clear enough. So go on, head past the break to read them all! 😀 Ex-Flagships: Ex-Flagships were the kings. PROS It was the best No matter how you look at it, old Flagships were the kings… Well, at least they were. They just don’t have enough power or features to take on their successors. Bear in mind that they carried the best design, features, and performance at launch. Even if they are older than a year, chances are their powers are still on par with …

A Take on Current Smartphone Industry

In Editorial by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Okay, this article serves as some kind of an editorial–my own comments and take towards a specific topic. The first article I officially consider as such. While I don’t have an academic skills to prove this, I have my own reasons, and promise to be as objective as I can. To make it more credible, I’ll also try to include some supporting data. A brief history of cell phone prices throughout the decade taken from timetoast.comToo small? Click the image above to zoom in. Anyway, the year is now 2016. Cell phones are no longer expensive. Cell phones are no longer for the rich and for show off. Well, at least most of them aren’t now. Additionally, cell phones are no longer a tertiary necessity. Cell phones are now primary necessity and now I dare you to comment if you’re not using a cell phone. On second thought, don’t. You’re going to spam my mailbox if you do so. Just consider yourself a very capable survivalist, for not having even a single cell phone. Today I’m going to talk about how you, as a customer, can choose the perfect smartphone based on your criteria. During the course of the article, I …

An Ad-Ware Horror Story

In Editorial by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

A screenshot from Microsoft’s campaign about using pirated software.This is what happened to me yesterday… technically speaking. If you’ve been in the Internet long enough (and are familiar with Internet and all threats within), you’re bound to know about ad-ware (or adware, whichever one is right doesn’t matter). If you don’t know, then I’ll gladly give you a brief explanation. Generally, computers (that have contact with the outside) have two kinds of threats: malwares (worms, viruses, trojans, etc.) and adwares. Malwares, as the name suggests––malicious wares, are programs created with the intention to break or damage your system. It can steal your precious data, delete important system files, or even access your computer when you least expect… or, just multiply itself to annoy the hell out of you. Regardless, malwares are evil, that’s for sure. But, what about adwares? Well, adwares aren’t as malicious as malwares, but they’re still annoying anyway. They’re created to ‘offer’ its potential users with ‘relevant ads’ that usually pops up within your browser or worse, they can do something worse… just like what just happened to me. Head past the break to find out more. An example of what adware can do Hey, I know …

BlackBerry: Rising Up? (And My Smartphone History)

In Editorial by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

Well, I know that this sounds like a fanboy article, but the truth is… I’m looking for a topic to write, since I’ve become quite bored on my limited holiday. There are tons of tasks I wanted to do during the holiday, but just like most teenagers in my country, I’ve been procrastinating until the last few days of my precious holiday. I just want to share some of my stories. If you think this is a fanboy article, you’re welcome to leave. But before that, please note that I’m sick of hearing fanatics defending their favorite brands. It’s just a company, geez. If they make good products, good for you. If they don’t, then don’t waste your time defending it or aimlessly point out other products’ faults. Companies and competitions are there for our benefits. Imagine if there were just one company that produced all the smartphones in the world. There would be no innovations, would there be? Anyway, I’ve written this piece after having experienced (almost) all mobile OSes. Though I understand some technical stuffs, this article is based on my daily usage of those OSes. All kinds of illegal activities that include jailbreaking, unlocking, and rooting are …

A Thought on Convertibles

In Editorial by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

ASUS VivoTab, One of Available ‘Convertible Laptops’ No doubt, technology is becoming more and more advanced as it is getting more and more fascinating as time goes. The end of 2012 was the beginning of ‘hybrid laptops’ era, or also known as convertibles, or anything else you want to call a laptop with detachable display. These convertibles have been around since Windows 7, but only recently, they’ve become available to more audience, and their price is getting more and more reasonable. Initially, I had nothing against it… except for the fact that most affordable ones are powered by Atom processors. But after owning one (Acer Iconia W510), I changed my mind. This low-end offering from Intel is improving. It’s certainly not a gaming powerhouse, but it handles Office applications pretty well. Of course, you wouldn’t think of playing Crysis 3 on a sub U$700 tablet, right? Moreover, their designs seem to be kind of futuristic, regardless of the materials it is made of. Okay, that’s enough opening speech; let’s get back to the title. As what I’ve mentioned in the previous paragraph, I recently bought an Acer Iconia W510 tablet. It’s a 32GB no-dock model. The dock costs around U$130, …

Power Bank or Spare Battery?

In Editorial by Bintoro Adi GunaLeave a Comment

This Has Become a Trend Lately… No doubt, we’ve already entered an era where having a smartphone is mandatory (for most parts of the world) or at least having a feature phone for communications on the go. Smartphone technology has also been evolving in the last decade, and now those little things we carry in our pocket everyday almost have processing power equal to a PC (Octa-Core is rumored). Unfortunately, the development of the technology isn’t accompanied by the development of power-saving tech. In the past, phones will need to be charged at least once in two or three days, but now, you’re lucky if you can squeeze your juice for a full day (especially for Android and BlackBerry phones in Indonesia). Such fact will mandate us to carry a portable charger (featured in the picture) or a spare battery with us, especially those whose job forces them to be mostly on the streets or places with shortage of power jack (I think University Student is one of them…) So, just like the previous post, I’ll give you some thoughts into either bringing a spare battery, or a power bank… or both, if you’re rich and can afford them all. …